PaxeraHealth Provides AI Enterprise Imaging Platform to University Hospitals’ System in Egypt

PaxeraHealth is pleased to be a key part in the launch of the first phase of the university hospitals’ system in Egypt, which aims to automate healthcare processes and create integrated medical files for all citizens receiving care from the university hospitals. This phase includes 84 comprehensive hospitals affiliated with 12 universities, with a bed capacity of 20,000 and 10 million annual patients. PaxeraHealth will provide their AI enterprise imaging solution and ARK AI authoring platform to the university hospitals in order to accelerate their reading results and expedite production of their own AI algorithms.
In partnership with the telecom giant Vodafone as the main contractor, PaxeraHealth will allow radiologists and clinicians to access high volumes of images and medical data at lightning fast speeds and provide an archiving solution for imaging studies from university hospitals across the country, with a population of over 100 million. PaxeraHealth’s neutral archive repository, disaster-proof architecture, and information life-cycle management tools will facilitate ultra-fast data access and swift interaction with patients at lowered infrastructure and archiving costs, in addition to the benefits provided from the AI basis of the platform.